Natural Health & Beauty Quest, Inc.


..: Special Bulletin Board from N.H.B. Quest, Inc. :..

To those who are struggling or wanting to enter the Japanese retail/wholesale market
***N.H.B. Quest will be the bridge to help your company go overseas***

Have you ever experienced the following points?

You want to introduce your product(s) to a retailer/wholesaler, but you do not have the connections.
・ You have entered your product(s) at an expo, but have not had any follow-ups thereafter.
・ You have tried someone who may have connections, but have not seen any results.

After years of hard labor and patience, we have found our own connections and routes to do business in Japan and in the United States. If you are serious about entering the Japanese market, we will help make this happen by using our sales and marketing strategies to promote your product(s). On average, it will usually take three to five years to have your product(s) shelved; however, we can do this within a year. Through us, your product(s) will be distributed at major chainstores and department stores.

We will see your product(s) the whole way through.

<Preliminary Stages>

  • Market Research:
    We will do the research to find out if the product(s) will succeed in the market
    We will also ask retailers and buyers for their opinions and suggestions

  • Package & Design Specifications:
    We will make sure that the product package and specs are compatible with the Japanese standards

  • Presentation:
    PowerPoint will be used to present the product's strengths to the buyers

<Follow Up>

  • Product registration and contract to sell
  • Promotion plan
  • Constructing of product distribution
  • Credit administration
  • Inventory management

    In order to succeed in the Japanese market, patience and flexibility is key.
    We will be your "bridge" to carry your business over the Pacific Ocean and help fulfill your goals.



(C) Copyright 2010 N.H.B. QUEST, Inc. All Rights Reserved.